10. I don’t have to waste 5 seconds pulling my hair back with a clip to wash my face anymore!
9. I save time getting ready in the morning by not having to fix my hair.
8. It’s not shedding everywhere anymore.
7. It will not blow in my face if I roll down the windows in the car!
6. I have lots of pretty scarves now. And 3 different wigs to choose from! Who do I want to be today?
5. I’ll save money on shampoo, hairspray, and electricity (hair dryer)!
4. Stella learned a new word: hat!
3. The lady who cut it all off at the salon said I look like GI Jane (1997 Demi Moore movie). (I’m sure she tells everyone that!)
2. Stella won’t remember this – and still recognizes and loves me.
1. Ben says I am beautiful no matter what! (and I’m doing my best to believe him!)
I’m just grateful this is only temporary. As my uncle says – my hair will grow back – his won’t! It should start coming back when I finish chemo, which should be the end of June. The countdown’s on!